Confetti filled latex balloons--what can we say about them? Well, they're simply AMAZING! Probably the hottest thing trending in balloons right now, because there's just so many varieties and options!
Oh, you thought they just came like that? NO! These beautiful creations are custom made and take time and patience to create. But then again, that's why they're so beautiful. Anything that's made with that much attention and detail is a work of art.
So for all of you balloon enthusiasts and Pinterest lovers, we're going to make it real easy and simple for you to create your own and customize it to your even'ts colours or theme! Below is a glimpse into how we at Elle Balloons create beautiful custom pieces for our special clients. Give it a go for your next party, or CONTACT US and we'll do it for you!
Materials Needed:
-clear latex balloon (11" standard, 16" latex, 24" latex, or 36" latex)
-pre-cut tissue paper in a variety of shapes and sizes
-pre-cut metallic door curtains in a variety of sizes
-metallic confetti purchased from your local Party Store
1. Stuff the materials of your choice through the neck of the balloon (if using very fine materials use a funnel).
2. Inflate the balloon to the correct size
3. Tie off balloon and attach ribbon
4. Shake the balloon around to spread the confetti as evenly as possible